Sunday, 22 May 2016

My Top 10 Anticipated Summer Releases of 2016

2016 has almost already reached ist halfway-point. (Ahhhhh who can believe that? It passed by so fast!) And as now summer is finally upon us, school is out. This means that there will also be more than enough time for friends, ice cream, summer adventures and the most important: lying in the grass on a nice summer day READING. So to get us ready, I decided to make my first real blog post about my Top 10 summer releases, just in case you are still hesitant which books you need to pick up to have the best Summer you could possibly have.
 As a disclaimer I want to add, that I personally define summer as the beginning of May until the end September, so not the “official” definition, but who cares? I also want to claim that, of course, dates can change. I am writing this post on May 22nd so maybe the date that a certain book is supposed to come out will change.

Number 10:

The Raven King, by Maggie Stiefvater
Yes, this is lower than most people would expect, especially because most of the books I read are YA and this is one HECK of a popular series. I have only read the first two books “The Raven Boys” and “The Dream Thieves” and honestly I just found them to be….Nice. I do want to continue on so I am happy all the books are out now, so I can read the last two books in a row if I desire to do so.
Published April 26th.

Number 9:

Crooked Kingdom, by Leigh Bardugo
Have I read “Six of Crows”? No. Have I finished the Grisha Trilogy? No. Have I at least started the series? Yes! And I absolutely adored the first two books “Shadow and Bone” and “Siege and Storm”. I just ordered the last book “Ruin and Rising” and already own “Six of Crows” and since I am very excited to read those, I found it appropriate to make “Crooked Kingdom” my number nine.
Published September 27th

Number 8:

This Savage Song, by Victoria Schwab
I haven´t read something by Victoria Schwab (but I own “Vicious” though!) Still this book intrigues me. With Urban Fantasy, conflicted main characters and all the hype that is around Vicoria Schwab´s writing style this book sounds right up my alley.

I also talked about this book in my June Releases so if you would like to read more about it please click here. (coming Sunday)
Published July 5th

Number 7:

Strange the Dreamer, by Laini Taylor
Two confessions: First, as it seems to be a trend, I haven´t read the “Daughter of Smoke and Bones” trilogy yet. Ugh, bad reader I know, but what can you do? Second, I don´t really know what this is about. Just something about a conflict between gods and mankind, alchemy and perhaps love? As I said, I don´t know what this is about, but that doesn´t mellow my excitement on bit.
Published September 27th

Number 6:

The Crown´s Game, by Evelyn Skye
Remember when I just told you about how much I liked the first two books in the Grisha Trilogy? Believe it or not I was quite hesitant to pick it up. The reviews I had heard were mixed and I wasn´t sure whether or not I would like the Russian inspired setting. At the end the Russian aspects turned out to be my favourite part, hence why I am excited about the crown´s game (and the author studied Russian History in collage, so she probably knows her stuff). The story takes place in 19th century Russia, where Nikolaj and Vika have to battle each other’s magic to see who will become the emperor’s enchanter. So not only has this book a Russian setting, it also has a love triangle, which I am a huge fan of, when done right, and magic. MAGIC!
Published May 17th

Number 5:

Summer Day and Summer Nights, edited by Stephanie Perkins
When I think of a perfect summer read, it either is a fun, fast paced fantasy story or a light, cute and fluffy contemporary. And Stephanie Perkins is surely the queen of the latter. The “Anna and the French Kiss” companions introduced me to her fabulous writing and since then I have been hooked and will read whatever the Queen of Contemporary chooses to publish. This is the second anthology she did, the first one set around Christmas, this one now takes place in the summer. There are 12 Love stories in this, including ones from authors like Libba Bray, Cassandra Clare, Leigh Bardugo (another reason to buy this!) and queen Perkins herself.
Published May 17th

Number 4:

The Unexpected Everything, by Morgan Matson
But behold Stephanie Perkins! There is another Queen of Contemproray: Morgan Matson. Ok, I haven´t particularly read anything by her yet, but believe me “Since You´ve Been Gone” is one of the top contenders on my Summer TBR this year. “The Unexpected Everything” is about this girl Andie, who has her whole life mapped out. But then stuff happens and all these plans fly out the window and it just sounds like a really fun book, with all the themes Matson is supposedly so good at (family, finding oneself, and a little bit of love in-between)
Published May 5th

Number 3:

Three Dark Crowns, by Kendare Blake
I haven´t really heard anything about this book until this week, when everybody came back from BEA.  This is about this island, on which every generation of the royal family there are triplets being born. So to determine, who becomes queen the three siblings have to fight each other. And the best part: They have MAGIC! (as by now it should´ve become clear that I really really like magic :P) It just sounds like a fun action packed YA Book, which is exactly the type of book I enjoy reading in the summertime.
Published September 20th

Number 2:

A Court Of Mist And Fury, by Sarah J. Maas
This one is the only book on this list, which I have already read (watch out for my review to come). This is the second book in the “A Court Of Thorns and Roses” Trilogy and I was not a big fan of the first book. I had a lot of issues with it, found it very slow moving, except for the last 150 pages or so, and found it just ok. So I was hesitant whether to to continue on with this series or not. But boy am I happy I did! I don´t want to take away too many things from my review, but just know that if you didn´t like ACOTAR, this is a much better book, as this was everything I wanted from the first book and more.
Published May 3rd

Number 1:

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, by J.K.Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany
How can this one not be at the top of anyone´s anticipated releases! It´s Harry Potter! I don´t even really know what this book is about, but do I care? Hell no! Harry Potter is my All-Time-Favourite of every category ever, so of course I am going to devour it as soon as I get my hands on it.
Published July 31st

So, that is my list. What about you guys? What summer releases are you excited about? Have you already read any of the books on my list, and if so what did you think of them? Let me know in the comments down below!
Read on


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